Makkar IELTS Writing Task 2 PDF Free Download 2022 / 2023 / 2024 Printable Book
This page offers Makkar IELTS Writing Task 2 PDF free download 2022, 2023 and 2024 printable book for IELTS Academic and General Training Exam Preparation. Makkar IELTS writing contains IELTS recent exam questions and model answers for IELTS writing task 2 preparation. You can download makkar ielts writing in printable pdf for free.
Makkar IELTS Writing Task 2
This book is meant to help students crack the IELTS essay. over 8 years of our IELTS coaching experience has taught a lot about what all would help the students do beter in the writing module of the IELTS. Over the years, we have seen fairly good students getting 7+ in the other modules of the IELTS, fall to less than 6 bands in the writing module, but we have also seen those with less than 6 in the other modules, get a 6 in writing. Over the years, W have coached thousands of students, checked their writings almost every day. So we somehow know what precisely they have written in their exam. From their writing band scores, We have made important deductions as to what work, and what does not work in an IELTS writing task 2 essay.
The IELTS essay has to have a plan. A plan is surely going to produce an essay, which works a crisp, but brief and to-the-point introduction and conclusion. Two to three well planned paragraphs with relevant topic sentences, is all you need for the IELTS essay.
The Makkar IELTS writing book has over 330 essays seen in the actual IELTS exams, most of which have been repeated many times.
Hope you enioy going through the essays in the book by makkar IELTS.
The IELTS essay is the second part of the writing section of the IELTS test. lt requires you to write an academic essay with the minimum word count of 250, within a period of 40 minutes. There is no limit to the maximum word count. This part takes up 2/3rd of the overall score of IELTS writing section.
Each essay is marked with 4 different criteria, which share equal proportion of the overall band score.
1. Task Response (TR)
Answer the question given with relevant ideas and examples. Do not digress. For example, if your essay asks you to write the problems faced by cities because of rapid urbanization, and you write the causes of urbanization, you will be off track and lose out on task response.
2. Cohesion and Coherence (CC)
Coherence means that your essay is easy to read and understand which goes with handwriting and language used in the essay. Cohesion means your essay stays on-topic and does not provide any irrelevant and redundant details.
Cohesive devices or transition signals like ‘howeve/, ‘despite this’ and ‘ln conclusion’ should be used more in IELTS academic writing test. However, this does not mean that you should try to insert as many of these words in to your writing as possible. This is a common mistake in IELTS writing. Using too many of them, or using them inappropriately, can be detrimental. They are important, but you must only use it at the appropriate time.
3. Lexical Resource (LR)
This criterion assesses how effectively and accurately you can use your vocabulary to develop your ideas. Big words and phrases might lead to your essay becoming forced and unnatural.
4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy (GRA)
This means, you can use simple, complex and compound sentences, along with proper punctuation correctly. Enjoy Makkar IELTS Writing Task 2 PDF Free Download 2022 / 2023 / 2024.

Disclaimer: IELTS is jointly owned by three organizations: the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English. These organizations work together to develop and administer the test worldwide. Book your IELTS Test on the official website of British Council or IDP or AEO. Once you have booked your IELTS Test with British Council, you will receive free access to last minute IELTS preparation course and free access to premium IELTS ready course. It includes 40 practice tests for IELTS Reading, writing, speaking, and listening.