Effective Strategies and Examples for Paraphrasing in IELTS Writing Task 2:

Paraphrasing is an essential skill in IELTS Writing Task 2 as it demonstrates your ability to restate information in your own words. Here are some of the best strategies and examples to help you paraphrase effectively in your IELTS Writing Test.

  1. Synonyms: Replace words or phrases with similar ones.

Original sentence: “Many people believe that technology has a negative impact on social interactions.”

Paraphrased sentence: “A considerable number of individuals hold the view that the influence of technology on interpersonal relationships is adverse.”

  1. Word order changes: Rearrange the word order while maintaining the original meaning.

Original sentence: “Education plays a crucial role in shaping a person’s future.”

Paraphrased sentence: “The future of an individual is significantly shaped by their education.”

  1. Passive to active voice and vice versa: Change the sentence structure from active to passive voice or vice versa.

Original sentence: “The government should take action to reduce pollution levels.”

Paraphrased sentence: “Action should be taken by the government to decrease pollution levels.”

  1. Use different grammatical structures: Express the same idea using different sentence structures.

Original sentence: “The importance of physical exercise should not be underestimated.”

Paraphrased sentence: “Physical exercise holds significant significance and should not be undervalued.”

When paraphrasing, it is crucial to maintain the original meaning while using your own words. Also, you should ensure that your paraphrased sentences are grammatically correct and coherent. Practice paraphrasing regularly during your IELTS preparation to enhance your skills.


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