IELTS Vocabulary pdf for Academic and General Training

Academic and General Training Word List for IELTS Exam Preparation

The Academic/General Word List (AWL) was released in the year 2000 by Averil Coxhead from the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The list contains 570 word families which were selected by analysing a corpus of millions of words from over 400 academic texts . Words were taken from 28 different academic subject areas within the disciplines of Arts, Commerce, Law and Science, so they are relevant for all areas of academic study ( IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training ). Please find the IELTS Vocabulary pdf at the end of this page.

Study the following vocabulary words for IELTS to achieve your desired score ( IELTS band score 7 to 8+ )

1-39 Academic Word List (AWL)

1abandonto give up, discontinue, or desert
2accessthe ability to enter, use, or retrieve information
3accumulateto gather or collect over time
4acknowledgeto recognize or admit the existence or truth of
5adequatesufficient, satisfactory, or suitable
6administrateto manage or oversee
7affectto influence or have an impact on
8albeitalthough, even though
9alternativean option or choice other than the usual one
10analogya comparison between two things for clarification
11anticipateto expect or foresee
12appreciateto value or recognize the worth of something
13approximateroughly estimate or be close in value or character
14abstractnot concrete or specific; theoretical or conceptual
15accommodateto provide space or lodging for
16accurateprecise, correct, or exact
17acquireto gain or obtain
18adjacentneighboring or next to
19adulta person who is fully grown or mature
20aggregateto gather or collect into a whole
21allocateto distribute or assign
22ambiguoushaving multiple possible meanings or interpretations
23analyseto examine or study in detail
24apparentclearly visible or obvious
25approacha method or way of doing something
26arbitrarybased on random choice or personal whim
27academyan educational institution or learned society
28accompanyto go along with or be associated with
29achieveto successfully accomplish or reach a goal
30adaptto adjust or modify for a different purpose or use
31adjustto alter or change for better fit or function
32advocateto support or argue for
33aidassistance or help provided
34alterto change or modify
35amendto make revisions or corrections
36annualhappening once a year
37appendto add or attach
38appropriatesuitable or fitting
39areaa particular region or space
Vocabulary words with meaning and sentence

40-68 Academic Word List (AWL)

40abandonto give up, relinquish, or discontinue
41spectto look or observe
42assignto allocate or designate
43assureto guarantee or provide confidence
44attitudea person’s outlook or perspective
45authoritypower or control over others
46awareconscious or cognizant of something
47biasa tendency or inclination towards a particular viewpoint
48bulkthe majority or main portion
49categorya classification or grouping
50channela medium or pathway for communication or distribution
51chemicalrelating to substances and their properties
52civilrelated to citizens or civil matters
53clausea distinct provision or section in a legal document
54coincideto happen at the same time or occupy the same position
55commenceto begin or start
56committo pledge or dedicate oneself to something
57communitya group of people with common interests or characteristics
58compileto gather or collect information or data
59componenta part or element that makes up a whole
60compriseto consist of or include
61concentrateto focus or direct one’s attention
62concurrenthappening or existing at the same time
63confineto limit or restrict within boundaries
64conformto comply with or adhere to
65considerablesignificant or noteworthy
66constituteto form or make up
67consultto seek advice or guidance
68contemporarymodern or current
Vocabulary words with meaning for IELTS

69-99 Academic Word List (AWL)

69abandonto give up or discontinue
70contradictto express the opposite or deny the truth of
71contributeto give or provide something as a part of a whole
72assembleto gather or fit together
73assistto help or support
74attachto connect or fasten
75attributeto ascribe or assign a characteristic or quality to
76automateto make a process or task automatic
77behalfrepresenting or acting in the interest of
78bonda connection or link
79capablehaving the ability or skill to do something
80ceaseto stop or come to an end
81chaptera section or division of a larger work
82circumstancea condition or fact that affects a situation
83clarifyto make clear or understandable
84codea system of rules or principles
85collapseto fall down or fail
86commentan expression of opinion or remark
87commoditya product or item that is bought or sold
88compatibleable to exist or work together harmoniously
89complementsomething that completes or enhances
90compounda mixture or combination of elements
91computeto calculate or determine
92conceptan abstract idea or general notion
93conductto carry out or perform
94confirmto verify or establish the truth of
95consentpermission or agreement
96consistto be composed or made up of
97constrainto restrict or limit
98consumeto use up or devour
99contextthe circumstances or setting surrounding something
IELTS Speaking vocabulary words with meaning and sentence

100-134 Academic Word List (AWL)

100constrainto limit or restrict
101consumeto use up or devour
102contextthe circumstances or setting in which something exists or occurs
103contraryopposite or contradictory
104controversya heated argument or disagreement
105assessto evaluate or examine
106assumeto suppose or take on
107attainto achieve or reach
108authora writer or creator of a work
109availableaccessible or obtainable
110benefitan advantage or positive outcome
111briefconcise or short in duration
112capacitythe ability to hold or contain
113challengea difficult task or problem
114charta visual representation of data or information
115citeto quote or reference
116classictraditional or exemplary
117coherentlogically connected or consistent
118colleaguea coworker or associate
119commissiona formal request or assignment
120communicateto convey or exchange information
121compensateto make up for or offset
122complexintricate or complicated
123comprehensivecomplete or inclusive
124conceiveto imagine or form a concept
125concludeto reach a decision or inference
126conferto consult or discuss
127conflicta disagreement or clash
128consequentresulting or following as a consequence
129constantunchanging or consistent
130constructto build or create
131contactto get in touch with or communicate with
132contracta formal agreement or legal document
133contrasta difference or distinction
134conveneto assemble or gather
Writing vocabulary words with meaning and sentence

135-164 Academic Word List (AWL)

135assessEvaluate or appraise something systematically
136assumeTake on a belief or supposition without evidence
137attainAchieve or reach a goal or objective
138authorThe writer or creator of a literary work or document
139availableAccessible or obtainable; able to be used or obtained
140benefitAn advantage or positive outcome
141briefConcise or short in duration; give instructions or information
142capacityThe maximum amount that something can hold or produce
143challengeA difficult task or problem that requires effort to overcome
144chartA visual representation of data or information
145citeQuote or refer to a source of information or evidence
146classicSomething that is considered of enduring significance
147coherentClear and logical in expression or organization
148colleagueA person with whom one works, typically in a professional setting
149commissionA group of people appointed to perform a specific task
150communicateShare or exchange information or ideas
151compensateMake up for a loss or offset a disadvantage
152complexConsisting of many interconnected parts; intricate
153comprehensiveThorough and complete; covering all aspects
154conceiveFormulate or develop an idea or concept
155concludeArrive at a judgment or decision based on evidence or reasoning
156conferGrant or bestow something, often as an honor or privilege
157conflictA disagreement or clash between opposing forces or ideas
158consequentFollowing as a result or outcome of something
159constantUnchanging or remaining the same over time
160constructBuild or create something systematically or with care
161contactGet in touch or communicate with someone
162contractA legally binding agreement between parties
163contrastHighlight the differences between two or more things
164conveneBring people or things together for a meeting or assembly
Reading vocabulary words for IELTS

165-194 Academic Word List (AWL)

165converseTo engage in conversation or discussion
166cooperateTo work together or collaborate
167corporateRelating to a corporation or business entity
168createTo bring into existence or make
169crucialExtremely important or essential
170cycleA series of events or actions that repeat
171decadeA period of ten years
172defineTo explain the meaning of something
173denoteTo indicate or be a sign of
174deriveTo obtain or receive from a source
175detectTo discover or identify
176devoteTo dedicate or commit to a purpose
177diminishTo decrease or make smaller
178displaceTo take the place of or replace
179distinctClearly different or separate
180diverseVaried or showing a range of differences
181domesticRelating to the home or one’s own country
182dramaA genre of literature or performance
183economyThe system or management of resources
184eliminateTo remove or get rid of
185empiricalBased on observation or experience
186energyThe capacity for doing work or producing heat
187enormousVery large or huge
188environmentThe surroundings or conditions
189equivalentEqual or having the same value
190establishTo set up or create
191ethicMoral principles or values
192eventualUltimately or happening at a later time
193exceedTo go beyond or surpass
194expandTo increase in size or scope
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195-223 Academic Word List (AWL)

195coordinateto organize or arrange in a harmonious way
196correspondto be in agreement or match
197creditrecognition or acknowledgement of something
198culturethe customs, beliefs, and practices of a group or society
199datafacts, statistics, or information
200declineto decrease or diminish in quantity or quality
201definiteclear, certain, or unambiguous
202denyto declare something to be untrue or false
203designto plan or create with a specific purpose
204deviateto depart from a set course or standard
205differentiateto distinguish or recognize differences
206discreteindividually separate or distinct
207displayto show or exhibit
208distortto alter or misrepresent
209documentto record or provide written evidence
210dominateto have control or influence over
211durationthe length or period of time something lasts
212editto make changes or corrections to
213emergeto come forth or become visible
214enableto make possible or facilitate
215enforceto compel or ensure compliance
216ensureto make certain or guarantee
217equateto consider as equal or equivalent
218erodeto gradually wear away or deteriorate
219estatea large area of land or property
220ethnicrelating to a particular cultural group or nationality
221evidentclear or obvious
222excludeto keep out or not include
223experta person with extensive knowledge or skill
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224-251 Academic Word List (AWL)

224couplea pair or two items that are similar or related
225criteriastandards or principles used to evaluate or make judgments
226currencythe money used in a particular country or region
227debatea discussion or argument on a particular topic
228deduceto reach a conclusion through logical reasoning
229demonstrateto show or prove something with evidence or examples
230depressto make someone feel sad or down
231despitein spite of; without being affected by
232devicea tool or instrument used for a specific purpose
233dimensiona particular aspect or element of something
234discriminateto make distinctions or treat people unfairly based on biases
235disposeto get rid of or throw away something
236distributeto give out or spread something among different people or places
237domainan area of knowledge, activity, or control
238drafta preliminary version or plan of something
239dynamiccharacterized by constant change, activity, or progress
240elementa component or part of a larger whole
241emphasisspecial importance or significance placed on something
242encounterto come across or experience something unexpectedly
243enhanceto improve or increase the quality, value, or effectiveness of something
244entitya distinct or independent being, organization, or concept
245equipto provide with necessary resources or skills
246errora mistake or incorrectness
247estimatean approximate calculation or judgment
248evaluateto assess or judge the value, quality, or significance of something
249evolveto develop or change gradually over time
250exhibitto display or show something publicly
251explicitclear, specific, and leaving no room for doubt or confusion
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252-280 Academic Word List (AWL)

252ExternalRelating to or coming from outside
253FactorA contributing element or cause
254FeeA payment for services or membership
255FinanceThe management of money and investments
256FluctuateTo change or vary irregularly
257FormulaA set of mathematical or scientific rules
258FoundTo establish or create
259FundMoney set aside for a specific purpose
260GenderThe classification of being male or female
261GlobeThe Earth or a spherical object
262GrantA sum of money given for a specific purpose
263HenceTherefore or as a result
264HypothesisAn assumption or theory to be tested
265IdeologyA system of beliefs or ideas
266ImageA visual representation or perception
267ImplementTo put into effect or action
268ImplyTo suggest or indicate indirectly
269IncidenceThe frequency or occurrence of something
270IncorporateTo include or combine as part of a whole
271IndividualRelating to a single person or thing
272InferTo deduce or conclude from evidence
273InhibitTo hinder or restrain
274InjureTo cause harm or injury
275InsertTo put or place something inside
276InstanceAn occurrence or example
277IntegralEssential or necessary for completeness
278IntelligenceThe ability to learn and understand
279IntermediateIn between or in the middle
280IntervalA period of time or space between events
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281-310 Academic Word List (AWL)

281exportTo send goods or services to another country
282extractTo remove or obtain from a source
283featureA characteristic or prominent aspect
284fileA collection of documents or data
285finiteHaving limits or bounds
286focusTo concentrate or direct attention
287forthcomingUpcoming or about to happen
288frameworkA structure or basic concept
289fundamentalEssential or central
290generateTo produce or create
291goalAn aim or objective
292guaranteeTo assure or promise
293hierarchyA system of ranking or organizing
294identicalExactly the same or indistinguishable
295ignoranceLack of knowledge or awareness
296immigrateTo move to a new country for residence
297implicateTo show involvement or connection
298imposeTo establish or enforce
299inclineTo have a tendency or preference
300indexA list or guide for reference
301induceTo bring about or cause
302infrastructureBasic physical or organizational structures
303initialFirst or beginning
304innovateTo introduce new ideas or methods
305insightA deep understanding or realization
306instituteAn organization or establishment
307integrateTo combine or merge
308intenseExtremely strong or focused
309internalLocated within or relating to the inside
310interveneTo come between or interfere
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311-340 Academic Word List (AWL)

311exposeTo make something visible or known
312facilitateTo make an action or process easier or smoother
313federalRelating to a central government or national authority
314finalLast or ultimate
315flexibleAble to change or adapt easily
316formatThe arrangement or structure of something
317foundationThe basis or underlying principle
318functionPurpose or role
319furthermoreIn addition; moreover
320generationA group of individuals born and living around the same time
321gradeA level of quality or proficiency
322guidelineAn instruction or principle that serves as a recommendation
323highlightTo emphasize or draw attention to
324identifyTo recognize or establish the identity of something
325illustrateTo clarify or exemplify with examples
326impactInfluence or effect
327implicitImplied or understood without being directly stated
328incentiveA motivating factor or reward
329incomeMoney earned or received from various sources
330indicateTo point out or suggest
331inevitableCertain to happen; unavoidable
332inherentExisting as a natural or essential quality
333initiateTo begin or introduce something
334inputInformation or resources provided
335inspectTo examine closely or critically
336instructTo give directions or commands
337integrityThe quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
338interactTo communicate or engage with others
339interpretTo explain or understand the meaning of
340intrinsicBelonging naturally; essential or inherent
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341investto put money, time, or resources into something
342involveto include or engage someone or something in an activity
343iteman individual thing or component within a larger group
344justifyto provide a valid reason or explanation for something
345layera single thickness or level of something
346legislateto make or enact laws
347licencean official permission or authorization to do something
348locateto find or discover the position or place of something
349majorsignificant or important in size, extent, or influence
350marginthe outer edge or boundary of something
351mechanisma system or process designed to achieve a particular result
352medicalrelated to the field of medicine
353methoda systematic approach or procedure for doing something
354minimalof the least possible amount, degree, or extent
355ministrya department or organization responsible for a specific area
356modifyto make changes or alterations to something
357mutualshared or experienced by two or more parties
358neutralnot favoring any side or position
359norma standard or typical pattern of behavior or outcome
360notwithstandingdespite or in spite of something
361occurto happen or take place
362obtainto acquire or get possession of something
363ongoingcontinuing or in progress
364outcomethe result or consequence of an action or event
365overlapto extend over or cover part of something
366paradigma typical example or model of something
367parametera factor or variable that determines the characteristics
368passivenot actively participating or taking action
369perioda length or duration of time
370phasea distinct stage or step in a process
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371-400 Academic Word List (AWL)

371investigateTo carry out a systematic examination or study
372isolateTo separate or set apart from others
373jobA piece of work or task
374labelA descriptive word or phrase used to identify something
375lectureA formal talk or presentation on a specific topic
376levyTo impose or collect a tax or fee
377likewiseIn the same way or manner
378logicReasoning or sound judgment based on principles
379manipulateTo handle or control in a skillful manner
380matureFully developed or grown-up
381mediaMeans of mass communication, such as newspapers or TV
382mediumA means or channel of communication
383migrateTo move from one place to another
384minimiseTo reduce or make as small as possible
385minorLesser in importance, size, or degree
386monitorTo observe, check, or keep track of something
387negateTo deny or nullify the effect of something
388neverthelessIn spite of that; however
389normalConforming to the usual or typical pattern
390nuclearRelating to or involving atomic energy or weapons
391obviousEasily seen, recognized, or understood
392oddUnusual or strange
393optionA choice or alternative
394outputThe amount or quantity produced or provided
395overseasIn or to a foreign country or place
396paragraphA distinct section of a piece of writing
397participateTo take part in or be involved in something
398perceiveTo become aware of or understand something
399persistTo continue firmly or obstinately in an action or belief
400phenomenonA remarkable or significant occurrence or fact
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401-430 Academic Word List (AWL)

401invokeTo cite or refer to as an authority or justification
402issueA topic or problem under discussion or debate
403journalA periodical publication containing research articles
404labourWork, especially physical work done for wages
405legalRelating to the law or governed by law
406liberalOpen to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values
407linkTo connect or bring together
408maintainTo keep in an existing state or condition
409manualA book of instructions or guidelines
410maximiseTo make as large or great as possible
411mediateTo intervene in a dispute to bring about a resolution
412mentalRelating to the mind or intellect
413militaryRelating to the armed forces or warfare
414minimumThe least or smallest amount or quantity
415modeA way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced
416motiveA reason or intention for doing something
417networkAn interconnected system or group of people or organizations
418nonethelessHowever, nevertheless
419notionA conception or belief about something
420objectiveA goal or aim
421occupyTo take control or possession of
422offsetTo counterbalance or compensate for
423orientTo align or position towards a particular direction
424overallConsidering or including everything
425panelA group of people gathered for a specific purpose
426parallelOccurring or existing at the same time or in a similar way
427partnerA person or organization that shares or is associated with another
428percentA proportion or part per hundred
429perspectiveA particular way of viewing things or a mental outlook
430philosophyThe study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, etc.
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431-460 Academic Word List (AWL)

431physicalrelating to the body or material things
432portiona part or share of something
433potentialhaving the capacity to develop or become something
434preciseexact, accurate, or clearly defined
435preliminaryintroductory or preparatory
436primarymain, most important, or principal
437principlea fundamental truth or law
438proceedto continue or carry on with an action or process
439prohibitto forbid or prevent something
440proportiona comparative relationship between parts or quantities
441psychologythe study of the mind and behavior
442purchaseto buy or acquire something
443quoteto repeat or cite someone’s words or a price estimation
444rangea variety or extent of something
445reactto respond or behave in a particular way
446regimea system of government or rule
447regulateto control or direct by a set of rules or principles
448relaxto become less tense or anxious
449reluctanceunwillingness or hesitation to do something
450requireto need or demand something
451resolveto find a solution or make a firm decision
452restoreto bring back to a previous condition or state
453retainto keep or hold onto something
454reverseto change to the opposite or contrary direction
455rigidstiff, inflexible, or strict
456scenarioa possible sequence or course of events
457scopethe extent or range of something
458securesafe, protected, or free from danger or risk
459sequencea particular order in which related events, facts, or objects occur
460shifta change in position or direction
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461-490 Academic Word List (AWL)

461practitionera person engaged in a specific profession
462predictto foretell or estimate future events
463presumeto assume or suppose
464primemain, principal, or of the highest importance
465priorexisting or occurring before something else
466processa series of actions or steps
467projecta planned undertaking or task
468prospectthe possibility or likelihood of future success
469publicationthe act of making information publicly available
470pursueto actively follow or seek
471radicalextreme or drastic
472ratiothe quantitative relationship between two numbers or amounts
473recoverto regain or get back
474regiona particular area or part of a country
475reinforceto strengthen or make more effective
476releaseto set free or make available
477relyto depend on or trust in
478researchsystematic investigation to discover new knowledge or information
479resourcea source or supply that can be used to achieve a purpose
480restrainto hold back or keep under control
481revealto make known or disclose
482reviseto review and make changes or improvements
483rolea part or function played by someone or something
484schedulea plan or timetable
485sectiona distinct part or division of something
486seekto search for or try to obtain
487seriesa number of things that are similar or related and come one after another
488significantimportant or meaningful
489poseto present or create
490plusin addition to
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491-520 Academic Word List (AWL)

491positivehaving a favorable or constructive attitude or outlook
492policya course of action adopted or pursued by an organization or government
493precedeto come before something in time, order, or position
494predominanthaving greater strength, influence, or importance
495previousexisting or occurring before in time or order
496principalmost important or influential
497prioritya thing that is regarded as more important than others
498professionalrelating to a particular profession or occupation
499promoteto further the progress or development of something
500protocola set of rules or guidelines for correct conduct or behavior
501publishto make information available to the public
502qualitativerelating to the characteristics or qualities of something
503randomhappening or chosen without any specific pattern or method
504rationalbased on or in accordance with reason or logic
505refineto improve or enhance by making small changes
506registerto officially record or enroll
507rejectto refuse to accept, believe, or consider
508relevantclosely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand
509removeto take away or eliminate
510resideto have one’s permanent home or place of abode
511respondto react or answer in response to something
512restrictto limit or control the actions or movement of something
513revenueincome, especially when of a company or organization
514revolutiona dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions or structure
515routea way or course taken in getting from one place to another
516schemea plan or program of action
517sectora specific area or division within a larger system
518selectto carefully choose or pick out
519sexthe biological characteristics that distinguish male and female
520similarhaving a resemblance in appearance or nature
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521simulateto imitate or reproduce
522soleonly or single
523specificprecise or particular
524stablesteady or unchanging
525straightforwardclear or direct
526structureorganization or arrangement
527subordinatelower in rank or importance
528substitutereplacement or alternative
529sumtotal or amount
530surveystudy or examination
531sustainmaintain or support
532targetgoal or objective
533technicalrelating to a specific field or subject
534temporarynot permanent or lasting
535textwritten or printed material
536therebyas a result or by that means
537tracemark or evidence of something
538transformchange or convert
539transportmove or carry
540ultimatefinal or eventual
541undertaketake on or assume
542uniqueone of a kind or distinct
543varychange or differ
544viaby way of or through
545visibleable to be seen or noticed
546volumequantity or amount
547whereasin contrast to or while
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548somewhatto some degree or extent
549specifyto clearly indicate or define
550statisticnumerical data or information
551strategya plan or approach to achieve a goal
552stylea particular manner or way of doing something
553subsequenthappening or coming after something else
554successora person or thing that follows or replaces another
555summarya brief statement or overview
556surviveto continue to exist or live despite challenges or difficulties
557symbola visual representation or sign
558taska piece of work or job to be done
559techniquea method or approach to accomplish something
560tensea grammatical category indicating time
561themea central idea or subject
562thesisa statement or theory put forward as a premise to be proved or maintained
563traditiona long-established custom or belief
564transitthe act or process of moving from one place to another
565trenda general direction or pattern of change
566undergoto experience or go through
567uniformconsistent in form, manner, or quality
568utiliseto make practical or effective use of
569vehiclea means of conveying or transporting
570violateto break or fail to comply with
571visionthe ability to see or imagine
572voluntarydone, given, or acting of one’s own free will
573wherebyby which; through which
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574so-calledcommonly referred to as
575sourceorigin or point of origin
576spherea particular field or area
577statusposition or condition
578stresspressure or strain
579submitpresent or hand in
580subsidyfinancial aid or support
581sufficientenough or satisfactory
582supplementaddition or extra
583suspendtemporarily stop or delay
584tapeadhesive strip or ribbon
585teamgroup working together
586technologyscientific knowledge or tools
587terminatebring to an end
588theoryexplanation or principle
589topicsubject or theme
590transfermove or convey
591transmitsend or communicate
592triggercause or initiate
593underlieform the basis of
594unifybring together or integrate
595validacceptable or legitimate
596versionedition or variation
597virtualsimulated or online
598visualrelating to sight or vision
599welfarewell-being or social support
600widespreadwidely distributed or common
From 574 to 600 vocabulary words with meaning and sentence

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