Here are 30 academic words for IELTS Exam with explanations and examples:

Here are 30 academic words for IELTS Exam with explanations and examples:

  1. Abstract – existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. Example: The concept of justice is abstract and difficult to define.
  2. Accommodate – to provide lodging or sufficient space for. Example: The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests.
  3. Accumulate – to gather or collect gradually over time. Example: He has accumulated a large collection of rare books.
  4. Adequate – sufficient or suitable for a specific purpose. Example: The training provided was adequate for the job.
  5. Adhere – to stick to or follow closely. Example: The company policy requires employees to adhere to strict safety standards.
  6. Adverse – unfavorable or harmful. Example: The adverse effects of climate change are becoming increasingly evident.
  7. Advocate – to support or recommend publicly. Example: The organization advocates for human rights.
  8. Aggregate – to collect or gather together. Example: The company aggregates data from multiple sources to analyze consumer behavior.
  9. Alleviate – to reduce or relieve. Example: The medication helps to alleviate the symptoms of the illness.
  10. Ambiguous – unclear or open to interpretation. Example: The instructions were ambiguous and caused confusion.
  11. Analogous – similar or comparable in certain respects. Example: The situation in this country is analogous to that of another country in the region.
  12. Analyze – to examine in detail in order to understand or explain. Example: The data was analyzed to identify patterns and trends.
  13. Anomaly – something that deviates from what is expected or normal. Example: The results were considered an anomaly and required further investigation.
  14. Anticipate – to expect or predict. Example: The company anticipated strong sales for its new product.
  15. Appropriate – suitable or fitting for a particular purpose or situation. Example: The dress code for the event is formal attire.
  16. Arbitrate – to settle a dispute or disagreement. Example: The two parties agreed to have a neutral third party arbitrate their dispute.
  17. Ascertain – to find out or determine. Example: The investigation was conducted to ascertain the cause of the accident.
  18. Assess – to evaluate or judge. Example: The teacher assessed the students’ performance on the exam.
  19. Attain – to achieve or accomplish. Example: The company has attained significant growth over the past year.
  20. Attribute – to ascribe or assign to a particular cause or source. Example: The success of the project can be attributed to the hard work of the team.
  21. Augment – to increase or expand. Example: The company plans to augment its workforce by hiring additional employees.
  22. Authentic – genuine or original. Example: The painting was determined to be authentic by a team of art experts.
  23. Autonomy – independence or self-government. Example: The region was granted autonomy by the national government.
  24. Aversion – strong dislike or opposition. Example: The child has an aversion to eating vegetables.
  25. Beneficial – advantageous or helpful. Example: Regular exercise is beneficial for overall health.
  26. Bias – a preconceived opinion or prejudice. Example: The journalist was accused of bias in their reporting.
  27. Bolster – to support or strengthen. Example: The government plans to bolster the economy by investing in infrastructure.
  28. Categorize – to classify or arrange into categories. Example: The books were categorized by genre.
  29. Causal – relating to or indicating a cause. Example: The study aimed to identify the causal relationship between stress and illness.
  30. Cease – to stop or come to an end. Example: The company announced it would cease operations next month.

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